Rapid Schedules for Koh Clearing and Alizarin Red S Staining of Fetal Rat Bone

Various schedules for staining fetal rat skeleton with alizarin red S were tested to determine a procedure that would produce a completely cleared and well-stained specimen in a short period of time. A 2 day procedure is presented which can produce specimens that are satisfactory but not completely transparent. A 7 day procedure produces cleared and stained specimens which can be well visualized with a dissecting microscope (30×). Fetal rats of 21 days gestation were fixed in 10% formalin for at least 1 wk. The specimens were skinned and eviscerated and then dehydrated in 2 changes of acetone for 12 hr (8 ml per gram body weight). The specimens were then placed in 1% KOM-alizarin red S (6 mg/liter) or 3 days, followed by 10% KOH-alizarin red S for 3 days. Finally, the specimens were placed in a mixture of benzyl alcohol, ethanol, and glycerol (1:2:2) (4 ml per gram body weight) for 12 hr, and then transferred to pure glycerol for storage.