E2andE4transition moments inYb172,Yb174, andYb176

Electric quadrupole and hexadecapole transition matrix elements in the ground-state rotational bands of Yb172, Yb174, and Yb176 were measured in precise Coulomb excitation experiments with 13 MeV α particles. The results are 2+M(E2)0+=2.456±0.012 eb, 2.439±0.012 eb, 2.325±0.018 eb and 4+M(E4)0+=0.220.18+0.12 eb2, 0.210.18+0.14 eb2, 0.280.20+0.11 eb2 for Yb172, Yb174, and Yb176, respectively. Model-dependent charge deformation parameters, β2 and β4, are deduced from the measured transition moments.