Curry powder as a vehicle for iron fortification: effects on iron absorption

Curry powder was investigated as a vehicle for targeted iron (Fe) fortification, and especially for NaFeEDTA, by assessing its acceptability to consumers and its effects on Fe absorption. A random survey in an Indian community in the Republic of South Africa, indicated that fortified premixed curry powder was acceptable in terms of color, palatability, and stability. The effect of curry powder on Fe absorption from a potato meal was assessed in 64 Indian housewives. Curry powder caused a significant though modest rise in Fe absorption in two of the studies (t = 2.716, p less than 0.05 and t = 3.126, p less than 0.025) but, in the third, the effect was noted only in the more Fe-depleted subjects. There was no enhancement of Fe absorption from a dhal soup of low-Fe bioavailability (t = 0.224, p greater than 0.1). The results of both the human and animal studies suggested that curry powder’s overall mild enhancing effect on Fe absorption was due to its capacity to stimulate gastric acid secretion.