He-Ion Induced Reactions of Aluminum and Magnesium

The Al27(α, 3p)Mg28 and Mg26(α, 2p)Mg28 reactions produced by the bombardment of aluminum and magnesium targets with 42-Mev He ions have been studied. The excitation functions for these reactions are presented. At 40-Mev He-ion bombarding energy, the cross section for the (α, 3p) is about 80 microbarns and the peak yield of the (α, 2p) reaction observed at 34 Mev is 1.65 mb. Excitation functions are also given for the production of Na22 from the bombardment of aluminum with 30-42 Mev He ions, which proceeds chiefly through the reaction Al27(α, 2αn)Na22, and of Na24 from the bombardment of natural magnesium, primarily through the Mg25(α, αp)Na24 reaction.