Influence of Josephson currents on superconductor-insulator-superconductor mixer performance

Superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) mixers are currently the lowest-noise devices available for mixing in the 26–110 GHz frequency range. However, a major source of noise is anticipated to be the increased effects of Josephson oscillations within the mixer as higher operating frequencies are achieved. Simulations have been done to demonstrate these effects. Results indicate that the commonly used three-port analysis is valid over a wide range of conditions, but that even minimal Josephson oscillations have a deleterious effect on mixer performance. The junction shunt capacitance, which serves to short out the Josephson oscillations, is thus an extremely important parameter. However, the characterization of the mixer in terms of an ‘‘ωRC’’ product appears to be an oversimplification. A more elaborate approach to mixer characterization is suggested.