Remittent painful ophthalmoplegia: the Tolosa-Hunt syndrome? A report of seven cases and review of the literature.

Seven patients with remittent painful ophthalmoplegia of unknown etiology were seen during a period of 5 yr. One had coincidental rheumatoid arthritis, and another had actinomycosis of the ipsilateral middle ear and contralateral parotid gland. The other 5 had no evidence of generalized autoimmune disease or any other systemic disorder, 2 having separate episodes affecting each side. A history of relapsing and remitting painful ophthalmoplegia is suggestive of the Tolosa-Hunt syndrome, but it is rarely possible to confirm that the lesion in the cavernous sinus is the result of non-specific grnulomatous infiltration so that the diagnosis remains one of exclusion. Carotid arteriography may show narrowing of the intracavernous part of the internal carotid artery. Orbital venography may also be helpful, particularly when the carotid arteriogram is normal. The Tolosa-Hunt syndrome may be more common in England than is generally realized, but its clinical features do not necessarily indicate a single pathological entity. Its recognition is important since the response to steroids, although not specific, is rapid in most patients, and the prognosis for complete recovery is relatively good.