The zero-field Cr53 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been studied in ferromagnetic CrI3 in the temperature range 1.6-27.5°K. The observed spectrum consists of a quadrupole triplet (h1e2qQ=0.744±0.005 Mc/sec) arising from nuclei within the ferromagnetic domains, and a broad absorption at lower frequencies due to nuclei in domain walls. The difference between the domain and wall frequencies follows the relation Δν (Mcsec)=0.8(±0.1)+0.248(±0.005)T over the entire range of our experiments, where T is the temperature in °K. The temperature dependence of the domain magnetization, as derived from the resonance data, is in excellent agreement with predictions of a renormalized spin-wave model using values for the intralayer and interlayer exchange constants of JTkB=13.5±0.5 and JLkB=1.72±0.20, respectively, and a published value for the uniaxial anisotropy constant. The extrapolated 0°K zero-field ½  -½ Cr53 NMR frequency is ν(0)=49.393 Mc/sec. The results of the spin-wave analysis are supported by calculations of the Curie temperatures for CrBr3 and CrI3 using the random-phase Green's-function method, based on the spin-wave-derived exchange constants. The calculated values of 33.6°K for CrBr3 and 68.2°K for CrI3 are in excellent agreement with reported experimental ordering temperatures of 32.5° and 68°K, respectively.