β-Glucuronidase as an index of growth in the uterus and other organs

Both [beta]-glucuronidase fractions found by Mills (1947) in ox spleen were present in mouse liver and kidney, while the uterus contained only one of these. The two glucuron-idase fractions in liver and kidpey responded identically to agents causing changes in the enzyme activity. In the uterus, as in other organs, changes in glucuronidase activity reflected changes in growt h, and the action of estrone on the enzyme was antagonized by testosterone. Estrone produced marked increases in glucuronidase activity and cell division in the liver in ovari-ectomized mice. This action, also seen in normal and castrate males, but not in normal females, was antagonized by testosterone. During liver regeneration following chloroform or CCl4 poisoning or partial hepatectomy, uterine weight and glucuronidase activity increased in ovariectomized mice in the absence of administered estrogen.