In 163 cases of lupus erythematosus studied during a 6-year-period at Los Angeles County Hospital, the apparent increase in incidence was attributed to better diagnosis using the L.E. cell test. It is advisable to use 3 methods: (A) clots, (B) rotation with glass beads and (C) substrate method. Spontaneous remissions were noted in 38.6%, 6% having at least 2 remissions and 16%, 3 or more. Antimalarial drugs were effective for the cutaneous lesions. Steroids acted synergistically. Nitrogen mustard ameliorated the nephropathy, particularly in the more edematous patients. The median duration of life of 59 untreated or inadequately treated patients was 24 months, whereas in 138 adequately treated patients ill for 24 months or more, less than 10% have died.