Correlation function and susceptibility of site- and bond-diluted Heisenberg paramagnets

Generalizing the recent work of Collins, the wave-vector-dependent susceptibility and the static correlation function for a randomly diluted Heisenberg paramagnet on a Bravais lattice with quenched-site, or nearest-neighbor exchange-bond, dilution is studied by high-temperature series-expansion techniques. The first five coefficients for the spin correlation function S(k) and susceptibility χ(k) are calculated for arbitrary k, the sign of the exchange and the spin magnitude and the magnetic site c and bond p concentrations. Numerical results for these functions are presented for various spins and for k along the symmetry directions (1,1,1) and (1,0,0). Because of the generality of the present series, their length is rather limited, and as such they are not suitable for a careful analysis of the critical region. Nonetheless, to get a qualitative feel for the accuracy of the present results near the transition region, we have used Padé approximants for determining the correlation length ξ(T) as a function of the reduced temperature ε=[TTC(N)(random)]TC(N)(random). In this manner, we estimate that the numerical accuracy of our results should be reasonable as long as the system is moderately above the transition temperature, e.g., ε0.5.