Optical measurements of the minigaps in electron inversion layers on vicinal planes of Si(001)

Measurements are reported of the far-infrared absorption of electron inversion layers at SiSiO2 interfaces tilted a few degrees from (001). The lowest minigap Eg, as a function of electron density N and tilt angle θ, is found to be Eg=(7.5±0.5)Nsin|θ|+(0.15±0.02)N2 meV, where N is in units of 1012 cm2. The first term is tentatively interpreted as arising from a term in the surface potential VQeiQ·r, where Q=(4πa)sinθ in the direction of tilt, and the second as coming from a kinetic energy term of the form kxky. The second minigap has also been measured, for N=3.1×1012 cm2 and θ=1.9°, to be 2.75±0.3 meV.