Effect of surface tension on the growth mode of highly strained InGaAs on GaAs(100)

We have investigated the molecular beam epitaxy growth of highly strained InGaAs on GaAs(100) as a function of the anion to cation flux ratio. Using reflection high energy electron diffraction the evolution of the film morphology is monitored and the surface lattice constant is measured. It is found that the cation to anion flux ratio dramatically affects the growth mode. Under arsenic‐rich conditions, growth is characterized by a two‐dimensional (2D) to three‐dimensional (3D) morphological transformation. However, for cation‐stabilized conditions, 3D islanding is completely suppressed, and 2D planar growth is observed. We associate these differences in the growth mode with corresponding changes in the surface tension of the overlayer. A high surface tension stabilizes 2D growth. An analysis which relates surface tension to a critical thickness for the onset of coherent island formation supports this view.