Assessment of methods for covalent binding of nucleic acids to magnetic beads, DynabeadsTM, and the characteristics of the bound nucleic acids in hybridization reactions

DynabeadsTM are magnetic monosized beads with high stability, high uniformity, unique paramagnetic properties, low particle-particle interaction, and high dispersibility. Different reactive groups; hydroxyl, carboxyl and amino groups can be attached to the surface. Several methods for covalent attachment of DNA or oligonucleotides to the beads were investigated. Best coupling yields were obtained by carbodiimide-mediated end-attachment of 5''-phosphate and 5''-NH2 modified nucleic acids to respectively amino and carboxyl beads. The carboxyl beads showed a low degree of non-specific binding, while a better yield of end-attached nucleic acids was obtained using the amino beads. The DNA-beads worked efficiently in hybridization experiments, and the kinetics of hybridization approach those of solution hybridization.