Beta Decay ofB13

The β decay of B13 has been studied by means of plastic and NaI (Tl) scintillation detectors. The activity was formed in the B11(t, p)B13 reaction using a mechanically chopped beam of 3.0-MeV tritons from a Van de Graaff accelerator. βγ coincidence measurements have confirmed a previously reported β branch to the 3.68-MeV second excited state of C13. By means of a β-neutron time-of-flight method, β branches to neutron-emitting levels of C13 at 7.5 and 8.86 MeV have been observed. The C13 levels in MeV, B13 β branches to these levels in percent, and the corresponding logft values are ground, 92.1±0.8, 4.02±0.02; 3.68, 7.6±0.8, 4.47±0.05; 7.5, 0.094±0.020, 5.37±0.09; and 8.86, 0.16±0.03, 4.63±0.08. The present results are consistent with recent assignments of Jπ=52 and 12 to the 7.55- and 8.86-MeV C13 levels, respectively. It is suggested that the 7.55-MeV member of the 7.50-7.55-7.68 C13 triplet is the one populated in B13 β decay. The experimental logft values agree well with theoretical calculations by Cohen and Kurath.