Magnetic Susceptibility and Crystalline Field Levels of Ytterbium Gallium Garnet

The paramagnetic susceptibility of YbGaG is measured over the interval 4-1000°K, primarily in order to obtain information on the location of the Γ6 level, which, unlike Γ8, does not combine magnetically with the ground Γ7 state, and so is not detectable in the usual magnetic experiments at low temperatures. From our measurements it is inferred that the Γ6 level is about 800 cm1 above Γ7. High precision cannot be claimed for this estimate, as our analysis of the magnetic data is made on the assumption of a perfectly cubic crystalline field, whereas the local symmetry at an individual lattice site is known to be but approximately cubic. In any case, the conclusion seems warranted that any low-lying levels at 100 cm1 or so deduced from optical absorption data are of a vibrational rather than electronic nature.