Crossed‐beam studies on isotopic variants of the reaction Ar+ + H2→ArH+ are reported. Both velocity and angular distributions of the ionic product as a function of initial translational energy, down to 0.1 eV (center of mass), have been measured. At lowest energies there is a gain in the translational energy of the products over that of the reactants, but at higher energies there is increasing conversion of kinetic into internal energy. While this represents the most probable course of the reaction there is a fairly wide distribution about the median values. Results confirm that this reaction is predominantly direct at all energies and provide no evidence for intermediate persistent complex formation. They are also consistent with a model for direct reactions previously proposed. The data on reaction with HD permit further development of this mechanism. The reactants are mutually accelerated by their long‐range attractive potential until hydrogen atom transfer occurs. The liberated H (or D) atom is reflected from the ArD+(ArH+ and the products separate, being decelerated in the process by the attractive potential acting between them. This “polarization–reflection” model yields a reasonable value for the radius at which transfer occurs, and it accounts quantitatively for the magnitudes of, and isotopic effects on, the median product velocities. It also predicts the significant back scattering observed at very low as well as very high energies. With appropriate modification for the attractive potentials involved the model can provide a simple representation of direct reactions in general.