Effects of one-dimensional periodic staircases on minigaps are theoretically investigated. Various cases are classified according to the step height. Observed positions of minigaps can be explained by a staircase model whose step height is half a lattice constant. In this case (i) the minigaps are assigned from the lowest as E0, E1, A1, E1, E2, A2, E2, and so on, where Er stands for an intervalley minigap and Ar for an intravalley one; (ii) Er observed in dc conduction are approximately given by Er23(θα)exp[(14)r2W2]sin(2φ)Neff (meV) for |r|παθ<1, where θ and φ are polar and azimuthal angles of tilting, α is a parameter expressing a step structure and of the order of one, W is a parameter specifying the disorder of staircase, and Neff=(Ninv+3Ndepl)1012 cm2; (iii) Ar[(0.46r)2+832(θα2θ2)2Neff23]12exp[(14)r2W2]Neff (meV); (iv) uniaxial stress along [110] or [11¯0] has an effect on Er.