We describe a comprehensive computer program COSIPO, computer simulation in polycrystals, which uses the binary-collision approximation to simulate the slowing down of heavy ions in the keV region in crystalline targets. The atomic scattering is governed by a potential which is chosen as an option. Inelastic losses are either impact-parameter-dependent or friction type. Thermal vibrations of the target atoms can be included. Various ways to treat polycrystallinity are described. The range distributions are compared with results based on existing codes and the significance of various parameters is studied. The effect of crystalline structure on the results of Doppler-shift attenuation measurements [line shapes and F(τ) values] is calculated in various ways. Both range distributions and line shapes are found to be in agreement with experiment. Nuclear stopping during the slowing-down process in polycrystalline materials can be either smaller or larger than in amorphous materials. Some possible applications of the results are discussed.