Absorptive effects in exclusive diffraction dissociation

We report a detailed investigation of absorptive corrections in Good-Walker and Deck-type models for production of three-body final states in diffraction dissociation processes. Beginning with an input elastic diffractive amplitude which is central in impact parameter, the model generates naturally a peripheral structure for inelastic diffraction. For pp(nπ+)p and np(pπ)p, at small excitation mass, absorptive effects create significant dip structure in the production momentum transfer distribution dσdtdM near t0.3 (GeV/c)2, in agreement with data from Fermilab and the CERN ISR. Similar behavior is predicted for πpA1p and KpQp, but at larger |t|. Distributions in other kinematic variables are much less affected by absorption. We provide a decomposition of the total dσdtdM into partial cross sections for the various angular momentum and helicity states which comprise the low-mass diffractive enhancement. The s-wave amplitude is dominant in both absorbed and unabsorbed models. A pronounced mass-slope correlation is present both in the total dσdtdM and in the s-wave part alone.