A Methylhydrazine Derivative in Hodgkin's Disease and Other Malignant Neoplasms

N-Isopropyl-a-(2-methylhydra zino)- p-toluamide hydrochloride was given to 51 adults with advanced neoplastic disease; 38 received an adequate therapeutic trial. Significant regression of tumor masses and clinical improvement of greater than a month''s duration was seen in 12 of 20 patients with Hodgkin''s disease, one of 2 patients with lymphosarcoma and one of 4 patients with reti-culum cell sarcoma. Toxic mani-festations of drug therapy included nausea, vomiting, bone marrow and central nervous system depression. In patients with Hodgkin'' s disease, the following regimen seemed optimal: 20 to 30 mg/kg/week (about 200 to 300 mg/day) x 3 weeks than 5 mg/kg/week (50 mg/ day) as tolerated for maintenance. The drug was given orally, daily, in divided doses. The drug was most effective in patients with Hodgkin''s disease who were clinically compensated and had not received extensive previous chemotherapy. However, useful responses of greater than one month''s duration were obtained in 6 of 12 patients who had previously received alkylating agents and Vinca alkaloids to tolerance without maintaining control of disease activity. This methylhydrazine derivative is clinically useful in the treatment of Hodgkin''s disease; the available data do not permit conclusions concerning the value of and indications for this compound in relation to alkylating agents and/ or Vinca alkaloids.