Structural study of GaSb/AlSb strained-layer superlattice

Owing to the lattice mismatch between GaSb and AlSb, a superlattice consisting of alternating layers of these materials will be strained. We have carried out ion-channeling measurements by backscattering of 1.76-MeV He ions, and present an experimental procedure and a data-analysis technique to measure the difference in strain between the two individual layers of the superlattice. The data analysis is based on computer simulations of channeling, the accuracy of which is supported by the many fine details of the experiments reproduced in the simulations. X-ray rocking-curve analysis yielded detailed profiles of strains in directions perpendicular and parallel to the surface. The x-ray value for the strain present at an unirradiated spot on the crystal is in excellent agreement with the value calculated by elasticity theory. In the bombarded region, the values of strain are less than the value calculated by elasticity theory. It appears that bombardment by the He ions reduced the strain by 50% and created lateral inhomogeneities in the crystal structure.