Poles and Resonances inηPhotoproduction

Various combinations of poles and resonances have been tried to determine just which combinations yield reasonable fits to the total and differential cross-section data for the process γ+pη+p. In each case the best values of the parameters have been obtained by minimizing χ2. Excellent fits (χ2N0.8) are obtained for certain combinations of poles and resonances. All solutions with the S11(1570) resonance omitted have rather poor values of χ2, and the P11(1400) resonance cannot be used in lieu of the S11(1570) in this process. Evidence is obtained for classifying the F15(1688) as a member of an octet rather than a 27-plet. For all the models considered here, the value of the η-nucleon coupling constant (gη24π) is less than 2, indicating a DF ratio larger than 32.