Functional interactions of ligand cofactors with Escherichia coli transcription termination factor rho. II. Binding of RNA

The rho protein of Escherichia coli interacts with the nascent RNA transcript while RNA polymerase is paused at specific rho-dependent termination sites on the DNA template, and (in a series of steps that are still largely undefined) brings about transcript termination at these sites. In this paper we characterize the interactions of rho with RNA and relate these interactions to the quaternary structure of the functional form of rho. We use CD spectroscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation to determine the binding interactions of rho with RNA ligands of defined length ([rC]n where n ≥ 6). Rho binds to long RNA chains as a hexamer characterized by D3 symmetry. Each hexamer binds ∼70 residues of RNA. We show by ultracentrifugation and dynamic laser light scattering that, in the presence of RNA ligands less than 22 nucleotide residues in length, rho changes its quaternary structure and becomes a homogeneous dodecamer. The dodecamer contains six strong binding sites for short RNA ligands: i.e., one site for every two rho protomers. The measured association constant of these short RNAs to rho increases with increasing (rC)n length, up to n = 9, suggesting that the binding site of each rho protomer interacts with 9 RNA nucleotide residues. Oligo(rC) ligands bound to the strong RNA binding sites on the rho dodecamer do not significantly stimulate the RNA-dependent ATPase activity of rho. Based on these features of the rho-RNA interaction and other experimental data we propose a molecular model of the interaction of rho with its cofactors.

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