Volume of Distribution of Radioactive Chloride in Dogs; Comparisons With Sodium, Bromide and Inulin Spaces

Methods for using either the short-lived C138 or the long-lived Cl36 in conjunction with either Na24 or Br82 in simul- taneous measurements of the volumes of distr. of these substances are descr. Results obtained in dogs using these methods indicate that the Na and Cl spaces are nearly equal at 1 hr. after the injn. of the isotopes. At 24 hrs. the Cl space had hardly changed but the Na space has become 15% greater. The Br space is consistently a few % larger than the Cl space after the 3d hr. after injn. The inulin space, as detd. by the constant infusion technic, was only 2/3 as great as the Cl space at 2.5 hrs. after the start of the infusion and the injn. of the isotope.