The ionic model proposed by Jefferson and Stevens (see ibid., vol.9, p.2151 (1976)) for the magnetic properties of rare earth compounds that display intermediate valence-behaviour is studied. The f-electrons of the rare earth ions are described by localised atomic-like configurations which are hybridised with a conduction band. The free energy and susceptibility are calculated perturbationally in powers of the hybridisation matrix element mod V mod to order mod V mod 4. When only virtual valence transitions are possible the leading correction to the Curie law susceptibility is due to the Kondo moment flip scattering. An effective interaction between the f- and conduction electrons is derived in this regime which is a generalisation of that given by Coqblin and Schrieffer (1969). The one-electron Green function is also calculated perturbationally and the results indicate that the spectral density has a virtual bound state resonance due to the incoherent scattering of the f-moments similar to that caused by impurity scattering.