Compilation ofπpData at 4 GeV/c: Backward Resonance Production andππScattering

In πp single-pion-production reactions near 4 GeV/c, we observe several interesting features. Backward ρ0 production is seen to occur with dσdu=63±21 μb/(GeV/c)2 at 180°. Backward ρ production is less prominent. We see evidence for production at small u of N*0 (pπ near 1700 MeV) and Δ (nπ at 1236 MeV), and possible evidence for other nπ structure at about 1800 MeV. The density-matrix elements for peripheral ρ0 production are presented in the Jackson and in the helicity frame. The π+π elastic cross section is obtained by extrapolation of the data to the mass shell. The S-wave ππ phase shifts are calculated by two methods and compared with previous results. We find evidence in the dipion decay angular distribution for the π+π decay mode of the S*(1070).