πpTwo-Prong Interactions at 4.16 GeV/c

An analysis of πp two-prong interactions at 4.16 GeV/c is presented. The total two-prong cross section is 19.11±0.40 mb, based on 33 672 events. The elastic-scattering differential cross section shows an exponential behavior, Kexp(AΔ2). With A=7.36±0.14 GeV2, the "absorption parameters" are derived as C+=0.846±0.017 and γ+=0.040±0.001. The final-state ππ0p exhibits a strong ρ, and the ππ+n a strong ρ0 and f0. The partial cross sections for the dominant resonant channels pρ, πΔ+(1236) (pπ0), ρ0n, and f0n are 0.59±0.03, 0.17±0.01, 1.15±0.05, and 0.53±0.06 mb, respectively. The ρ production and decay angular distributions do not agree with the predictions of the absorption-modified one-pion-exchange model. However, an inclusion of the contribution from ω exchange adequately accounts for the discrepancy. The ρ0 asymmetry is interpreted as a result of an interference of the resonant P wave and isospin-zero S wave, and the corresponding spin-density matrix elements are obtained. In the final state πp+neutrals, a clear peak for the η meson and some evidence for the ω meson are seen.