Two-Charged-Particle Final States fromπ+pInteractions at 2.7GeVc

A total of 24 360 events having two charged particles in the final state from π+p interactions at an incident π momentum of 2.7 GeVc have been analyzed. The final states ππ+n and ππ0p are found to be dominated by rho-meson production, and in addition, significant N*(1238) production is seen. The partial cross sections for the dominant resonant channels are σ=(pρ)=(1.3±0.2) mb, σ(nρ0)=(2.3±0.2) mb, and σ[πN*+(pπ0)]=(0.5±0.2) mb. The production of the ρ and ρ0 and the decay of the ρ agree very well with the predictions of an absorption-modified one-pion-exchange model. The production angular distributions of the ρ0 and ρ follow an exponential of the form Ae+Bt. The results from a least-squares fit give B(ρ)=9.32±0.08 (GeVc)2, B(ρ0)=10.26±0.06 (GeVc)2. A similar analysis for the elastic-scattering events gave B(el)=7.77±0.05 (GeVc)2. The ρ0 decay distributions are asymmetric and they have been analyzed using a simple model which includes SP-wave interference. No clear evidence is seen for a T=0, J=0 resonance at a mass near that of the ρ. The N*(1238) resonance production...