Cluster Nature ofLi7andBe7

Measurements of the capture γ-radiation processes, mass 3+αmass 7+γ and nucleon+Li6mass 7+γ, give information about the cluster structure of the mirror nuclei Li7 and Be7. The cluster model predicts that the ground state and low excited states of these nuclei should have large reduced widths θ3+42 for the configuration mass 3+α particle and small reduced widths θ1+62 for the configuration nucleon +Li6. Scattering experiments provide accurate initial, capturing, wave functions, and an assumption of the cluster nature of the final, bound, states allows the electromagnetic capture cross sections to be calculated and compared to experiment. The reduced widths deduced show that θ3+42 is large, θ1+62 is small, and that the ground states and first excited states of Li7 and Be7 are primarily of the two-body cluster form mass 3+α particle.