Dissociative ionization of H2 and D2 produced by bombardment with fast He+ ions

H+ and D+ energy spectra have been obtained using the time-energy spectroscopy technique. Spectra are presented for He+ bombarding energies of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4 MeV. The reflection approximation is used to analyze the spectra and determine the relative contribution to the H+ and D+ yields of the 1sσg, 2pσu, 2pπu, 2sσg, and double-ionization potential curves of the target molecules. Yield observed in the 2- to 4-eV range suggests that states of H2 and D2 which autoionize to the dissociative continuum of the ground 1sσg state of H2+ and D2+ contribute to the spectra. The yield is dominated by the excitation of the 2pσu, 2pπu, and double-ionization potential curves.