Electron Capture ofAt210(8.3 h) toPo210

The electron capture decay of At210(8.3 h) to excited states in Po210 has been studied with scintillation spectrometers and coincidence and directional correlation techniques. Previously observed transitions of 46.7 keV (E2), 246 keV (E2), 404 keV, 702 keV, 1185 keV (E2), 1441 keV (E1), 1488 keV (E1), and 1604 keV (E1) were verified, as well as transitions of 495 and 2250 keV. No evidence for a 2600-keV transition was found. The data are consistent with a level scheme with states at 1185 keV (2+), 1431 keV (4+, T½=1.8±0.2 nsec), 1478 keV (6+, T½=38.4±5.1 nsec), 2919 keV (5), 3035 keV (5), and 3680 keV. The last three levels are populated with electron capture branches with logft values of 5.90, 6.40, and 5.90, respectively. The At210 ground state was determined to be approximately 3830 keV above that of Po210, by comparison of the relative intensities of L capture and K capture. The transition probabilities are calculated for transitions depopulating the 1431- and 1478-keV levels using a configuration mixing model. The effects of coupling single-particle states to surface vibrations are included in the calculations.

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