Due to the anatomical structure of the lung, providing it with a large surface for absorption, exceptionally high and prolonged (6 hrs.) blood levels of penicillin were obtained by inhalation of an aerosol produced by a new device[long dash]a combined steam generator and aerosolizer. This suggested the possibility of a temporary depot in the lung, and the possible use of the lung as a means of introduction of medications for systemic action. A review of the literature shows marked absorptive capacity of the lungs for liquids in the anesthetized animal. Absorption will vary, depending whether solid or liquid is introduced, as well as upon the chemical structure[long dash]complex proteins being poorly absorbed. Expts. with insulin aerosol are cited. The literature on the methods of production and utilization of aerosols is reviewed, and the author''s experience with aminophylline for the relief of asthma is reported. Experiences with NH4Cl in aerosol form and with penicillin aerosol for prevention and treatment of respiratory infections associated with allergic diseases are also noted. A special device called a steam generator and aerosolizer was used by the author for converting a variety of solns. into aerosols for exptl. and therapeutic purposes. It has simplified aerosol production, and may be used efficiently and economically at home, as well as in the office and hospital.