Deep level transient spectroscopy evaluation of nonexponential transients in semiconductor alloys

Evaluation of data obtained from deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) is often based on the assumption that the transients are exponential. The applicability of DLTS to the study of deep energy levels in semiconductor alloys has therefore been questioned since thermal transients are often nonexponential in these materials. In this paper we present calculated DLTS spectra in a simple model for broadened defect levels. The calculated spectra are compared with experimental data for a deep electron trap in GaAs1−xPx . The main result is that, within the model, DLTS-deduced activation energies and thermal emission rates are, indeed, relevant even when the transients are strongly nonexponential as a result of alloy broadening. A method of estimating the corrected concentration of deep levels and the distribution in binding energies is also presented.