Melting dynamics ofNiSi2/Si under pulsed laser irradiation

Thermally grown NiSi2 layers 220 nm thick on 〈111〉 Si substrates have been irradiated by 40-ns Nd laser pulses with energy densities in the range 0.32.1 J/cm2. Time-resolved reflectivity measurements using a He-Ne laser probe have been performed during the irradiations. Samples have been subsequently analyzed by 2.0-MeV He+ Rutherford backscattering spectrometry in combination with the channeling effect. Three different energy-density thresholds for three phenomena have been found. At 0.37 J/cm2 the sharp increase detected in the reflectivity signal indicates the melting of the NiSi2 surface layer, at 0.92 J/cm2 channeling measurements show the transition in the silicide layer from the (A+B)-type crystalline mixture to a mainly B-type single-crystal structure, and finally at 1.1 J/cm2 the underlying silicon starts to mix with the silicide layer, modifying its stoichiometry. This behavior is discussed in terms of the phase transitions predicted from the Ni-Si phase diagram, and quantitatively is compared with kinetic calculations and the heat-flow model. Melting starts at the NiSi2 free surface at T0=1276 K and propagates toward the inside, while the silicon atoms at the NiSi2/Si interface dissolve into the liquid solution at the NiSi2 liquidus temperature (1400 K), much lower than the pure Si melting point (1685 K).