Electric-field-induced mixing of high Rydberg-state levels in dielectronic recombination:Mg1+andCa1+target ions

The effect on the dielectronic recombination cross section of electric-field-induced mixing of high Rydberg-state (HRS) levels is determined, for both Mg1+ and Ca1+ target ions. After diagonalizing the energy matrix, σnDR is calculated in the isolated resonance approximation as a function of n, the principal quantum number of the HRS electron. From this result, both the total cross section, σDRJnσnDR, and the total cross section integrated over energy, ΩDR≡F dec σDR, are obtained. The agreement between theory and experiment for ΩDR is very good in the case of Mg1+, while roughly a factor of 2 discrepancy still exists for Ca1+.