Response to Flutamide Withdrawal in Advanced Prostate Cancer in Progression Under Combination Therapy

The effect of flutamide withdrawal was studied in 40 patients with stage D2 prostate cancer showing progression of the disease after an initial and long (average 3.9 years) period of positive response to combination therapy with flutamide associated with medical (luteinizing hormonereleasing hormone agonist) or surgical castration. Using the criteria of response of the United States National Prostatic Cancer Project, 1 complete, 3 partial and 26 stable responses were observed, while 10 patients continued to have progression after discontinuation of flutamide. The average durations of previous treatment with combination therapy were 1,794 days for the 30 responders (complete, partial and stable responses), compared to 1,726 days for the 10 nonresponders. The average duration of response after the arrest of flutamide was 440 days. Serum prostate specific antigen, which was elevated in all patients, decreased by 90% or more in 19 of the 30 responders (63%) and returned to normal in 17 (57%). The concentration of testosterone binding globulin increased after discontinuation of flutamide, thus also suggesting the suppression of an androgenic influence, while the serum levels of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, as well as their main metabolites, did not change after withdrawal of flutamide. Alteration of local sensitivity to androgens is a probable explanation for the paradoxical positive response to the arrest of flutamide suggested in the present preliminary study.