Countercurrent distr. in a 24-transfer system, using 1:1 petroleum ether: 34.5% ethanol will separate progesterone quantitatively from desoxycorticosterone, testosterone, 17-hydroxycorticosterone, and 17-hydroxy-11-dehydrocorticosterone, but not from 11-dehydroprogester-one. The partition coefficient for progesterone for this system is 3.5-3.9; whereas the other steroids range from less than 0.01-0.28. Estrogens are also separated from progesterone by this system. Absorption at 240 m/i is a convenient method of assaying for progesterone after countercurrent distr. Alkaline-digested placentas were extracted with ethyl ether, a Girard separation carried out, countercurrent distr. performed, and u.-v. absorption detd. A material acting like progesterone on countercurrent distr. and having a similar u.-v. absorption curve was isolated. This material caused progestational changes in estrone-primed immature rabbits by the intra-uterine technic.