The taxonomy of the asymmetric (predominantly terverticillate) penicillia is based on morphological differences that leave identification difficult. The application of physiological criteria facilitated the identification of the common asymmetric penicillia investigated. Changes in the placement of some strains of these penicillia made the connection to mycotoxin-producing ability clearer. The classical criterion of conidium color was deemphasized and replaced by the following criteria: (i) growth on nitrite-sucrose agar and (ii) growth and acid (and subsequent base) production on creatine-sucrose agar (containing bromocresol purple). Other criteria used or developed were: (iii) growth on sorbic acid plus benzoic acid agar (50 + 50 ppm, pH 3.8), (iv) growth on an agar containing 1,000 ppm propionic acid (pH 3.8), (v) growth on an agar containing 0.5% acetic acid, (vi) growth at 37°C, (vii) growth rate on an agar containing 0.1% pentachloronitrobenzene, (viii) production of extracellular tricaproinase, and (ix) fasciculation on a medium containing 10 ppm botran (2,6-dichloro-4-nitroanilin). The pattern of extracellular metabolites after thin-layer chromatography was used as a chemotaxonomic criterion. The species investigated, the number of isolates investigated, and the toxins which some of these isolates produce were: Penicillium roqueforti (18) (patulin), P. citrinum (11) (citrinin), P. patulum (9) (patulin and griseofulvin), P. expansum (patulin and citrinin), P. hirsutum (13), P. brevicompactum (19), and P. chrysogenum (12). Widespread species of the P. cyclopium, P. viridicatum, and P. expansum series of Raper and Thom (A Manual of the Penicillia, 1949) were subdivided into four new groups: “P. crustosum pA” (29) (penitrem A), “P. melanochlorum” (29), “P. cyclopium p” (119) (penicillic acid and infrequently penitrem A), and “P. viridicatum o-c” (43) (ochratoxin A and citrinin). “P. viridicatum o-c” was separated from “P. cyclopium p” due to its ability to grow on nitrite as sole nitrogen source. The species and groups investigated were related to the new taxonomic classification of the genus Penicillium according to Pitt.