Nucleon - nucleon scattering near 50 MeV. III. Analysis of new Davisnpdifferential cross-section data

New Davis np differential cross-section data at 50 MeV are phase-shift-analyzed together with the other world pp and np data in the laboratory scattering energy range 47.5 to 60.9 MeV. Various combinations of the np dσdΩ data, taken by groups at Davis, Oak Ridge, and Harwell, are included in the analysis and are found to affect mainly just the phase parameter δ(P11). We argue that the Harwell only, or Harwell + Oak Ridge + Davis data analyses call for a strong long-range potential such as might come from ABC (Abashian-Booth-Crowe) exchange, while the Davis only or Davis + Oak Ridge data analyses are compatible with ordinary (non-ABC) meson-theoretical models. We urge that more precise np absolute dσdΩ data be taken, to 1 or 2% accuracy, especially at far forward angles.