Effects of nandrolone phenylpropionate in the horse: (1) Resting animal

The effects of 7 weekly injections of the anabolic steroid nandrolone phenylpropionate (400 mg) were investigated in 4 healthy, mature geldings. Measurement of body weight, N retention and plasma urea failed to demonstrate a consistent anabolic effect. Examination of biopsies from the semitendinosus and biceps femoris muscles showed no alteration in H2O content or glycogen concentration with treatment. Similarly no changes were found in the activities of 6 muscle enzymes. A significant increase in the proportion of fast twitch, low oxidative fibers of the biceps femoris was observed. The effects of the treatment on a wide range of plasma biochemical constituents were investigated. The occurrence of some components of stallion behavior in the geldings was taken to reflect a residual androgenic activity in the compound.