Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in the soybean Glycine max

A tissue culture procedure for the regeneration of somatic embryos and plantlets from somatic cells of the soybean Glycine max is described. Bean pods of soybean cv. TGM119 were immersed in liquid nitrogen for 20 minutes. Young embryos were excised from the immature seeds and cultured to form calli. Calli grown from the young embryos were incubated in liquid culture for two weeks. The liquid suspension culture was filtered to obtain single cells. The soybean cells were cultured for one month in a liquid medium in hanging drop cultures for development into proembryoids. The proembryoids were maintained on a solid growth medium for 40 days. The resultant callus tissue was transferred into MS media containing selected combinations and concentrations of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Naphthaleneacetic acid, Kinetin, Benzyladenine and Indoleacetic acid. In the presence of Benzyladenine (0.2 mg/l) and Indoleacetic acid (0.01 mg/l), globular and heart shaped somatic embryos were formed on the surface of the calli. Calli containing somatic embryos were transferred into liquid medium and incubated under low light conditions. After six months further incubation, more than 1,000 plantlets and a large number of somatic embryoids at various developmental stages were obtained per flask.