Production and Decay Properties of Thorium Isotopes of Mass 221-224 Formed in Heavy-Ion Reactions

In order to search for new neutron-deficient isotopes of uranium and thorium, targets of Bi209 and Pb208 were bombarded with beams of Ne22, Ne20, F19, O18, O16, N14, and C12 in the Berkeley HILAC. The reaction products were transported from the reaction cell by the helium-jet technique and their α-disintegration characteristics measured by on-line techniques of α spectroscopy. Energy values, excitation functions, and half-lives of α-particle groups were measured. Only fragmentary evidence for uranium nuclei was found, because of intense losses by nuclear fission, but definite proof was obtained for the previously unknown millisecond isotopes Th222 and Th221, and for their decay products Ra218, Rn214, Ra217, and Rn213. Improvements were made on the literature values for Th223 and its decay products.