FeF2 is a simple two-sublattice antiferromagnet and has a rutile crystal structure. Its large anisotropy can be represented to a good approximation by single-ion crystal-field terms of the type discussed in Paper I. The purpose of the present paper is, firstly, to analyze relevant high- and low-temperature experimental data in order to estimate as accurately as possible the important exchange and anisotropy parameters for FeF2 and, secondly, to use this information to test the various theories for transition temperature which were the subject of Paper I. An adequate spin Hamiltonian for FeF2 can be written as H=ΣnnJ1Si·Sj+ΣnnnJ2Si·SjΣiDSiz2, where Σnn (Σnnn) is over all pairs of nearest (next-nearest) neighbor spins Si and Sj, and where Σi is over all spins in the system. From an analysis of nuclear-resonance and magnetic-susceptibility data we find D=6.5±0.3 cm1, J2=3.85±0.2 cm1, and J1J2=0.1±0.25. The resulting ratio DJ2=1.7±0.2 takes FeF2 outside the small anisotropy range for which the theory of Paper I was primarily developed. Even so, use of the above parameter values in that theory results in a theoretical estimate for the Néel temperature which is in error by only some 12% for FeF2. This estimate is considerably more accurate than those obtained by use of molecular-field theory or by earlier Green's-function approximations.