The reaction Mg24(α,Be7)Ne21 is investigated with alpha particles in the energy range 35-63 MeV. The measured cross sections are compared with the cross sections for Al27(p,Be7)Ne21, a reaction which proceeds through the same compound nucleus, Si28. At fixed excitation energy of the compound nucleus (C.N.), the alpha-induced reaction has a higher cross section for EC.N.>40 MeV. The cross-section ratio σ(α)σ(p) increases from 4.4±1.0 at EC.N.=50 MeV to 6.3±1.4 at EC.N.=60 MeV. Part of this significant difference is shown to be due to angular-momentum effects in compound-nuclear processes. The balance is attributed to the multinucleon pickup by the He ion. A similar effect is observed in the reactions Al27(p,αpn) and Mg24(α,αpn).