Total Nondialyzable Solids (TNDS) in Human Urine. II. A Method for Reproducible Fractionation1

The TNDS have been separated into 3 primary fractions by passing dialyzed normal urine through a collodion ultrafilter. The filtrate forms one fraction. The nonultrafiltrable material is separated into 2 fractions, one soluble and one insoluble in Veronal buffer (pH 8.6). These fractions have been analyzed for ash, Ca, P, N, sialic acid, hexose, "bound" water, hexosamine, hexuronic acid, total lipids, total phospholipids, total fatty acids, total unsaponifiable material, and free and ester cholesterol. The daily excretion rates of the non-lipid components have been determined in 7 male and 5 female adults.