Nonlinear optical processes near the sodium 4Dtwo-photon resonance

The nonlinear response of sodium vapor with a laser tuned near the 4D two-photon resonance is investigated over a large range of sodium concentrations and pump intensities with emphasis on the influence of coherent cancellation effects on the induced polarizations and the primary mechanism for the generation of the new frequencies. Over a wide range of circumstances, the response of the medium is dominated by parametric four-wave mixing as compared to amplified spontaneous emission or stimulated electronic hyper-Raman scattering. Secondary four-wave-mixing fields are generated by stimulated Raman scattering of one parametric four-wave-mixing field and a coupling of these fields with the driving laser field. A sharp onset of saturation of the parametric four-wave-mixing signals with sodium number density and a transition from a quadratic to a linear power dependence is observed. Both effects are explained in terms of the two-photon cancellation effect.