The hyperfine-structure constants of Ge73 in the P13 and P23 atomic states of the 3p2 electronic configuration have been measured with the atomic-beam magnetic-resonance method. The values of the magnetic dipole hyperfine-interaction constant a are 15.5480(18) Mc/sec and -64.4270(7) Mc/sec, respectively, for the P13 and P23 states. The nuclear electric quadrupole interaction constants b are -54.566(9) Mc/sec and +111.825(13) Mc/sec, respectively, for these two states. On the basis of these measurements of a, the known spin and nuclear magnetic dipole moment of Ge73 and the measured spin and a factors of Ge71, the nuclear magnetic dipole moment of Ge71 can be calculated. It is μ=0.546(5) nm.