T=2states inC12andB12

The C14(p,t)C12 and C14(p,He3)B12 reactions have been investigated at Ep=54 MeV. The lowest 0+, T=2 state in C12 was identified at 27.57±0.03 MeV and a higher T=2 state was found at 29.63±0.05 MeV. Their analogs in B12 were found at 12.72±0.07 and 14.82±0.10 MeV, respectively. In a separate coincidence experiment, the proton and α decay modes of the T=2 states in C12 were studied. The 27.57 MeV state decays (30±10)% by proton emission and less than 10% by α emission. The 29.63 MeV state decays by about 80% proton emission and 20% α emission.