Intersubband optical response of semiconductor quantum wells dressed by strong infrared fields

A strong infrared field tuned in resonance with dipole-allowed intersubband transitions in quantum-well conduction bands can act to coherently mix or dress the resonant states. The effects of dressing two excited conduction subbands on the linear response of a weak probe field nearly resonant with one of the excited subbands and the partially occupied ground subband is theoretically treated to arbitrary order in the coupling-field strength. Three critical coupling-field strengths are identified that demark: (i) the minimum coupling required to observe changes in the linear response, (ii) the onset of a resolvable doublet in the response, and (iii) the strong-coupling limit in which the line doubling is fully developed. Analytic expressions for these three critical fields are obtained in terms of the Rabi frequency and the phenomenological damping parameters associated with states in the three subbands.